Dress Code

The Club’s Dress Code is intended to maintain an atmosphere consistent with the tradition of golf. All golfers and visitors are expected to wear appropriate attire at all times while on the property.

Golf Course and Practice Areas (including Putting Green and Driving Range): Golf shoes, rubber-soled athletic shoes or golf sandals must be worn on the golf course and practice areas at all times. Metal spikes are prohibited.

Men – Collared shirts, mock turtlenecks, slacks, or tailored golf shorts of appropriate length must be worn. Men’s shirttails should be tucked in at all times.

Women – Collarless shirts with sleeves or sleeveless shirts with a collar, slacks, Capri pants, golf shorts or skirts of appropriate length must be worn.

Unacceptable attire for the golf course and practice areas includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Athletic, gym, cycling, tennis, running shorts or sweatpants; camouflage clothing, swim wear, tee shirts, sports jerseys, short shorts, cut-offs, tennis dresses, halter tops, and midriff blouses.
  • Jeans or denim clothing of any kind
  • Low-riding or “sagging” pants or shorts

It is the responsibility of each Guest to ensure that they are aware of and adhere to Tsawwassen Springs dress code. Please be advised that service or privileges may be denied unless appropriately attired.

*Jeans are permitted on the driving range and putting greens.