New Years Golf Update


With the holidays in the rear-view mirror, we want to switch gears and start to think about how we can help you get a head start on shaving off a few strokes for the 2018 golf year, even if it is too cold to play.

The best way to do that is put in some off-season work at our heated, covered driving range.  Here is a tip to get the most bang for your buck, purchase a range card from the team at the Pro Shop:

600 balls               $57.70 – savings of $4.55
1500 balls             $131.20 – savings of $23.80
3000 balls             $236.20 – savings of $72.55          *all prices include taxes

Take it a step further and come and see one of our PGA of Canada Certified Instructors and set up a lesson schedule in our private teaching center, this will give you a clear focus to ball striking improvement, so you get the most out of your practice time. Click here to find the instructor for you!
For January we have doubled the size of our 50% OFF corner so please pop in and take a peek and find something great for half the price.

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